Student Recruitment
Student Recruitment: for GSFS Video Production Team Member
The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences calls for students for GSFS Research Video Production Team. In this academic year, around 10 videos will be expected to product.
必要なスキル等: 研究科の紹介に意欲的であること、また、サイエンスコミュニケーションへの関心があることが望ましい。
募集人数(第3期): 10名程度
問い合わせ先:gakuyugo-comm★edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (教育支援室)(★を@に変更して下さい)
We are recruiting students who produce videos to introduce researches and university life in the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS).
[Job Description] Produce a video which introduces the research in GSFS
※Expected viewers: high school students, undergraduate students and general public interested in science.
[Eligible Applicants] Master or Doctoral students in GSFS
[Preferred Qualification] Willing to share information regarding research conducted in GSFS
Have experience in video editing (Applicable with students who have no experience in video editing but are interested in science communication)
Cooperating in a team setting on production activity
[Number to be hired (primary recruitment)] Around 10 students
[Honorarium] 50,000 yen per video in the case of producing videos
※Each video needs to have subtitles( Japanese⇔English). Honorarium to be paid for the subtitles is subject to the contents.
[How to Apply] Fill in the following Online Application Form and apply by 12:00 (noon) on Friday, 14th August.
Application Form : https://forms.gle/fzwaf5e138ucEkDS6
[Inquiry] gakuyugo-comm★edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Education Support Office)(Change★ to @)
* This project is a part of the “Education and Research Project to Promote Transdisciplinary Communication by Students” which is pursued by the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences in 2020. This recruitment aims to promote the fusion of disciplines in GSFS by students creating videos and social media articles about researches in other laboratories and university life in GSFS.