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Cao Vu Quynh Anh is a Ph.D. candidate at the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative. She is working on adaptation to sea level rise - induced flooding in coastal cities. She hopes her research contributes to ensuring the security of societies under extreme future flood risk.(Flooding footage in Ho Chi Minh City: shot at Calmette Bridge, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, at 17:45, September 13th, 2018 by Kiet Nguyen) 
Data Upload : 2020.05.01 (Fri)


CAO Vu Quynh Anh           サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative
 WANG Yutong       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

Aran Garrod is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Natural Environmental Studies, Division of Marine Biosciences. He is interested in finding how seabirds decide their directions in order to find food. He hopes to enlarge our understanding of how seabirds behave under the changes in the ocean environment. 
Data Upload : 2020.06.09 (Tue)


CAO Vu Quynh Anh           サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative
 WANG Yutong       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

Jonas Fischer氏は、東京大学新領域創成科学研究科の物質系専攻に所属している博士研究員です。現在は電気的な「イミテーション・フィールド」を用い、電気を消費することなくデータを磁気的に保存できる電気磁気マルチフェロイクスの研究に着手しています。これらマルチフェロイクスの発見、性能向上を通じて将来のコンピューター、携帯電話、そして全く新しいデバイスの素地を形作ることを目指しています。 詳細はこちら
 Jonas Fischer  is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Advanced Material Science, The University of Tokyo. He is working on magnetoelectric multiferroics, where an electric "imitation field" can be used to save data magnetically without wasting electricity. He hopes his research can help find and improve these multiferroics so that one day that can power computers, phones, and new devices. Find out more here.
Data Upload : 2020.06.09 (Tue)


CAO Vu Quynh Anh           サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

Sadaf Taimur is a PhD candidate at Graduate Program in Sustainability Science – Global Leadership Initiative. She is examining how the goal of achieving sustainability could be supported in higher education. At the moment, higher education is mostly about transmitting knowledge and skills. Sadaf works on how to shift to a transformative pedagogy to educate future leaders who can contribute to building a sustainable society. 
Data Upload : 2020.09.14 (Mon)


 ILIOPOULOS Nikolaos       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

Norikazu Furukawa, a doctoral student at GPSS-GLI at the University of Tokyo, conducts research on the regulation of short-term rentals.In cities around the world like New York and Paris, the rapid growth of short-term rentals has depleted the housing units available for long-term rental to the locals. Analyzing the data of different cities, Norikazu seeks to identify what constitutes an appropriate regulation of short-term rentals. 
Data Upload : 2020.09.14 (Mon)


ILIOPOULOS Nikolaos       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

進化学的視点に立ってヒトという生物種を理解することはたいへん有用です。(主に) 非モデル生物の野生集団における遺伝的多様性とその生態への関連性を明らかにしていくことは、現在のヒトの遺伝的多様性の進化学的意義を再評価する上で必須の情報となります。視覚をはじめとする感覚系遺伝子の進化多様性の研究は近年の機能解析系の発展を背景としてその研究モデルとして大変優れています。 
It is crucial to understand humans within an evolutionary framework. By using (primarily) non-model organisms to explore genetic variation and its ecological correlates in wild populations, it is now possible to reevaluate the evolutionary significance of human genetic variation. The evolutionary diversity of sensory systems - the visual system in particular - is an excellent model case for addressing these questions because recent technical developments have enabled functional evaluation of the relevant genes. 
Contact:Lab websiteDepartment website
Data Upload : 2020.09.28 (Mon)


張 潤楠 /ZHANG Runnan       物質系専攻/Advanced Materials Science
張 歓/ZHANG Huan
メディカル情報生命専攻/Computational Biology and Medical Sciences
Akhtar Muhammad Shoaib
先端生命科学専攻/Integrated Biosciences

Cartagena in Chile is a coastal city which has faced two tsunami events over the last generation: 1985 Valparaiso and 2010 Maule. Through in-depth interviews and focus group activities, Carmina aims to answer the questions: what are the interactions that impact evacuation behavior, and via what mechanism?  She hopes to bring the voice of evacuators to the center of the discussion, shedding light on the unspoken rules that fuel evacuation, and helping decision-makers create and implement policies based on the lived experience of these communities. 
Data Upload : 2020.09.28 (Mon)


PAYONGA Lorenz Ray Ballares       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative
サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

このビデオでは、サステナビリティ学の大学院プログラム-グローバルリーダーシップイニシアチブ(GPSS-GLI)の修士課程の学生が、中国の南京市の人々にシンボルツリー、特にPlatanus acerifoliaがどのように認識されているかについて話しています。Platanus acerifoliaのような文化的シンボルに対する人々の認識と理解は、その樹木の生育環境における適切な管理方法への道しるべとなり得るでしょう。 
In this video, a master's student of the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative (GPSS-GLI) talks about symbolic trees, especially Platanus acerifolia, and how they are perceived by people in Nanjing City, China. People's perceptions and understanding of cultural symbols such as these trees can be inputs to how they can be properly managed in their setting. 
Data Upload : 2020.09.28 (Mon)


PAYONGA Lorenz Ray Ballares       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative
サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

Professor Hiroyuki Nakata introduced the research topic of his lab. His main research fields are microeconomic theory (economics of information and uncertainty in particular) and financial economics. The financial system provides households and firms with the means to transfer and share risk and to allocate resources over time, through which poverty may be reduced and investments stimulated, leading to economic development. It is however not obvious if socially desirable resource allocation is being achieved through a well-functioning financial system. 
Contact:Lab website Department website 
Data Upload : 2020.10.13 (Tue)


Cummins Alexandra Amy       環境学研究系国際協力学専攻/Department Of International Studies

Denise Lazoは、東京大学サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダー養成大学院プログラムの博士課程の学生で、ボリビアのサンタ・クルス・デ・ラ・シエラ市の固形廃棄物収集業者に焦点を当てた研究をしています。 同市では、ごみ収集ルートなどの基本的なサービスを伴わないままに急速に人口が増加するという、中南米ではよくみられる状況に陥っています。この研究によりデニスは、ボリビアや他の開発途上国の地域において、地方自治体と協力してこのような状態を改善するための政策を策定する新しい方法を提供したいと考えています。 
Denise Lazo is a Ph.D. student at the GPSS-GLI Department, the University of Tokyo. Her research focuses on the solid waste collectors in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia; a city with a rapid population growth that has not been accompanied by basic services such as waste collection routes, a common situation in Latin America. With this study, Denise hopes to provide new ways for the creation of policies in hand with the local government to improve the conditions of these people, not only in Bolivia but also in regions of other developing countries. 
Data Upload : 2020.11.10 (Tue)


BRICENO RUIZ ARMANDO ENRIQ       社会文化環境学専攻/Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies

ジェームズ ライスの核融合エネルギーに関する研究は、特に静電プローブを使ったプラズマ診断関するものです。これは将来的に効率的でより良い核融合エネルギー設計の増加させるかもしれません。
James Rice's research on fusion energy is specifically on plasma diagnostic using electrostatic probes that could increase the efficiency and better fusion energy design for the future.
Data Upload : 2020.12.25 (Fri)


CRICHTON Richard Nathan       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

This video introduced the Architecture Design Course by Prof. Jun Sato.Every year, the students work on the design of using the world lightest material and learn how the material works and its applications. 
Find out more here:Laboratory link: http://junsato.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/GSFS Admissions: https://www.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/exam_e/
Disclaimer: The course was conducted and filmed in 2019. 
Data Upload : 2020.12.04 (Fri)


CAO Vu Quynh Anh           サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative
 WANG Yutong       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

In this video, Jessica Borges Posterari, a first-year Ph.D. student of Waseda Laboratory, introduces one of the multiple transdisciplinary research topics conducted in the Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment Department. The quest for sustainable energy resources has led researchers to investigate the ocean’s tidal waves as an alternative power source. Her case study in Tonga of the South Pacific focuses on the emerging challenges and opportunities in harvesting wave energy which could help the local communities in the region. 
Data Upload : 2020.11.24 (Tue)


Ruth Anne Tanlioco Gonocruz       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative
自然環境学専攻 /Department of Natural Environmental Studies 
Jairo Vazquez Santiago
環境システム学専攻 /Department of Environment Systems Graduate School

KITAI Koki is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. His research is about material development. He designed a substance, which emits light with a wavelength that is difficult to be absorbed by the air. The heat escape from matter in the form of light. The fact that heat is not easily absorbed by the air means that heat escapes directly to space, which can mitigate the effects on global problems. It may also lead to the development of new equipment such as a cooling system that does not require power. When designing such materials, he arranged a wide variety of materials in complex patterns. In order to find the optimum combination, he conducted research and development by applying statistical methods and quantum computation, which has been put into practical use in recent years, especially quantum annealing. The department applies data science and data analysis to the field of life sciences and natural phenomena and fosters human resources who promote the “informatization” of life sciences, physics, and chemistry. If you are interested in either life sciences or information sciences, why not work with us? 
Data Upload : 2020.11.24 (Tue)


大嶋 健資 /Ohshima Kensuke       自然環境学専攻 /Department of Natural Environmental Studies 
CAO Vu Quynh Anh           サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

This video describes experimental assistive technologies to be used in automobiles and for human welfare in the future.Seven master's students who belong to the Assistive Technologies Laboratory of Human Engineered and Environmental Sciences of The University of Tokyo introduced their research devices such as electric wheelchairs and VR.These technologies may actually be used in everyday life in the future. 
Data Upload : 2020.11.24 (Tue)


浜田 佳歩 /Hamada Yoshiho       人間環境学専攻/Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies 
Akhtar Muhammad Shoaib           先端生命科学専攻 /Department of Integrated Biosciences 
小宮みこ /Komiya Miko
メディカル情報生命専攻 /Computational Biology and Medical Sciences

Students in the Department of Complexity Science and Engineering can study at ISIS/JAXA. Associate Professor Satoshi Tanaka at Tanaka Lab. is a Principal Investigator of the Thermal Imaging Camera (TIR) onboard the Hayabusa2, where he studies thermal images of the asteroid Ryugu. Students in the laboratory also conduct research on the application of artificial intelligence to planetary science, numerical simulations of thermal and elastic propagation, and experiments with return samples. 
Data Upload : 2020.11.25 (Wed)


伊藤 瑞生 /Ito Mizuki       複雑理工学専攻/Department of Complexity Science and Engineering
大川 瑞稀 /Okawa Mizuki            サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative
張 潤楠 /ZHANG Runnan       物質系専攻/Advanced Materials Science

The current video gives an overview of the international studies department at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo. The video provides some insights regarding the goals and importance of international studies as a discipline, the expectations from the students, students' experience, the diverse environment, and the type of research happening in the department. The video also involves a special message from the head of the department. 
Data Upload : 2020.11.26 (Thu)


中武 彰子 /Nakatake Shoko       国際協力学専攻/Department of International Studies
Sadaf Taimur            サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

一般的に、このような神経症状が現れると、病気を治すことはできないと人々は考えています。 しかし、20世紀後半に、神経科学者は損傷後の神経回路修復のためのいくつかの細胞の可能性を発見しました。 成人の神経新生は、薬物または単にライフスタイルの変化によって神経新生の速度を調節できるため、神経修復を促進する有望な候補の1つです。久恒辰博のマウスモデルによるアルツハイマー病のグループ研究は、世界中の高齢者を支援します。 
In general, people think that once such neurological symptoms appear the diseases can not be cured. However, in the late 20th century, neuroscientists discovered several cellular potentials for neural circuit repair after damage. Adult neurogenesis is one of the promising candidates to drive neural repair since we can modulate the rate of neurogenesis by drugs or simply by a change in lifestyle.Tatsuhiro Hisatsune’s group study on Alzheimer's disease by the mouse model to help elderly people all over the world. 
Lab URL: http://hisatsune-lab.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
Data Upload : 2020.11.26 (Thu)


BRICENO RUIZ ARMANDO ENRIQ       社会文化環境学専攻/Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies
張 潤楠 /ZHANG Runnan       物質系専攻/Advanced Materials Science

This video focuses on members of the Department of Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at the University of Tokyo who are at different levels in their academic careers. Each is working on research to tackle pressing environmental problems we are facing today. 
Would you like to join us in thinking about the future of our environment?
Data Upload : 2020.12.25 (Fri)


川崎 敬/KAWASAKI Kei       環境システム学専攻/Department of Environment Systems Graduate School
Kevin Florentin       サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

Food production and consumption play a significant role in sustainable development of human beings. Professor Tanaka introduces some research conducted by students in the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science, which is relevant to this topic.  Data Upload : 2021.03.11 (Thu)


CAO Vu Quynh Anh           サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative

GSFS Common Subjects, Proactive Research Commons lecture series, is an educational program for both graduate students and working professionals with three main core technologies: “Sensing", “Simulation", and “Design for manufacturing”. Students will learn the core technologies, work on their own initiative to develop ideas for manufacturing by combining them, and create and present their work through this course.  Data Upload : 2021.03.15 (Mon)


CAO Vu Quynh Anh           サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダーシップ養成大学院プログラム/Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative
張 潤楠 /ZHANG Runnan       物質系専攻/Advanced Materials Science